Hilarious Funny Quotes

 Hilarious Funny Quotes Definition

In black neighborhoods, everybody appreciated comedy about real life. In the white community, fantasy was funnier. I started looking for the jokes that were equally hilarious across the board, for totally different reasons.
Will Smith It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious.
Bill Hicks I could party in a cardboard box with people who are funny and don't care. For me, it's really about who I surround myself with, so I just try to always be with hilarious people.
If you play it straight it's funny - the best comedy is always played straight down the middle. The adjustment is understanding from the screenplay that a moment is hilarious.
Tom Hiddleston
I know my life is full of awkward pauses, and I think it's hilarious.
Josh Hutcherson
If I can surround myself with hilarious people every day, I will always want to go to work.
Rashida Jones
Normal people with normal problems can be hilarious.
Tommy Lee Jones
I find it very easy playing Bond. I think he's hilarious. He gets himself into some extraordinarily funny situations.
Daniel Craig
It's hilarious a lot of times. You have a conversation with someone, and he's like, 'You speak so well!' I'm like, 'What do you mean? Do you understand that's an insult?
I find the female tragedy of insecurity to be hilarious. We get obsessed over issues like the tiny skin tags on our backs or that we're fat. You read one line in a magazine and it sends you into a tailspin.
Lake Bell
The thing I thought about doing it was it's Comic Relief and you've got to be funny. So although I did try to sing properly it obviously has hilarious results when you can't sing.
Jo Brand
In the beginning, I would find a character I understood. That was my focus. Not now - but you basically get offered the exact same thing you just did. Which I find hilarious. I did 'The Vow,' and then I had every love story you can imagine thrown at me. And now I'm getting offers for comedies.
Channing Tatum
Comedy ages quicker than tragedy, to the extent that we can't know if the 10 commandments may originally have been 10 hilarious one-liners.
Arthur Smith
I find it hilarious that there are academics who try to analyse chemical changes in the brains of students while exposing them to gags.
Arthur Smith
I think Chris Rock at the Oscars was a great example. I thought that was intellectually hilarious. The Gap starts a war with Banana Republic... That to me was funny.
Christopher Meloni
One lion thinks it's just hilarious to tackle us. He's very funny about it... and we always know when it will happen.
Tippi Hedren
I want that which is hilarious and that which is heartbreaking to occupy the same territory in the book because I think they very often occupy the same territory in life, much as we try to separate them.
Richard Russo
So many stars who have shows are intimidated by having people around them be funnier than them. It's always the unsuccessful ones. Look at Seinfeld - he's great because he let everyone be hilarious.
Paul Feig
At the risk of appearing disingenuous, I don't really think of myself as 'writing humor.' I'm simply reporting on the world I observe, which is frequently hilarious.
Richard RussoI love tiny, plastic realistic food magnets. I don't know why. They're hilarious.
Amy Lee

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