Crazy Nail Art 2012 part 2

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Gone are the days when most men would spend the rest of their lives looking out from a distance while the girls of their dreams get snagged by some jerk or other loser nearby --- but we all know who's a much bigger loser by this time. It's a going trend that men can create attraction and get absolutely lucky with a pretty lady they've been fancying and the best part is, you can practically learn the skills on how to make her go crazy over you. Haven't heard of it? Below are a few tips you might want to follow:

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Make her feel wanted.A woman marvels at the thought of being admired and desired --- that's why they will feel some sexual tension building in when someone gives them their full attention --- it's just one sign they take as being wanted and loved. Fulfill her fantasies by showering her with your compliments and giving her your utmost attention --- and being an absolute alpha male all the while.

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Tease her imagination. Always maintain that certain air of mystery in you --- girls will go totally gaga when you intrigue their curiosity. The more you seem detached (but still flirting all the way), they more excited they are to solve your little hidden moves and riddles. Women love a tease so better be one, soon.

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Ooze with sex appeal.This one's probably the most difficult to nail but you can start off with building a little self confidence --- confidence will always bring you a long way. A sex appeal is something that's supposed to be natural but in time and with experience, you will practically master the art even with your eyes closed --- no need to have a physical makeover. An attitude makeover would be more like it.

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Surprise her every time.Women love surprises --- we all know that. You don't have to go all-out expensive to her or to surprise her everyday. Give in to spontaneity. Get out of your routine. Get adventurous and embrace being unpredictable --- women are attracted to men who are full of surprises.

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Make her laugh. Believe it or not, most women would fall for your sense of humor rather than your good looks --- all the fine things in life (nice car, cold hard cash, a drop dead gorgeous body) would mean nothing to her if you don't have sense of humor. Making a woman laugh is very vital in the game of sexual attraction since women love to be mentally stimulated before anything else. So work on having a killer wit soon!

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