Love quotes 05

love quotes
When we are suffering a break up or going through the rollercoaster of emotions brought on by the separation from someone we loved, we experience a range of emotions depending on the situation, we can feel hurt, betrayed, abandoned and alone. We often feel that we don't know how to get through these painful emotions or even how to be around other people for a time. Perhaps that is why we turn to sad love quotes.
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The hardest part of breaking up is the feeling of loss, we feel alone in our pain and that can be incredibly hard to deal with, at first we may even want to be alone and friends and family will at most times accept this, but, if you feel this way for a prolonged period of time you may find yourself alone, not out of choice but because people do not know how to deal with your emotions and mood swings
love quotes for her
The need to feel like you belong or that you are not alone will hit you at some point and as much as you need to talk about your feelings you may find it hard to find someone who is willing to listen let alone someone who is going through the same experience. In fact it seems that if you have just unwillingly ended a relationship, the whole world seems to be enjoying life as a couple.
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This is when many people turn to sad love quotes, reading others quotes about lost love and feeling the emotions behind the words can help us in many ways, some sad love quotes can be funny and may be the only thing to make us smile during this time, they can also be very sad, which can help us to release pent up emotions or they can be bitter, helping us to realize that we are not alone in our hurt and anger.
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You know when reading sad love quotes that they come from someone's own experiences, they have emotion behind them and this can help us to deal with our own situations. Knowing that real people at some stage were experiencing the emotions and pain you are going through can help us in many ways, if doesn't matter if they make you cry, laugh or help you to release your pent up anger, they are helping us in some way, when we cannot talk to others or do not know how to put our feelings into words we can fill that need and maybe feel connected to someone which is the most important part for many people.
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My name is Gemma and I am a recently separated mother of three young children. I write a blog about quotes in particular sad love quotes as I have found that reading others quotes has helped me to work through my own emotions about my separation.
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