Nail Polish 01

Can you believe that the use of nail polish dates back to the time of Queen Nefertiti and Cleopatra? While these two historical women may not have actually physically met in the same era, these two women have some things in common. They are both Egyptian, and they both love to color their nails. Queen Nefertiti preferred to paint her nails ruby red, while Cleopatra preferred hers crimson. These facts only show that nail polish have long been used by women to beautify themselves.
In the early days though, different stains which range from red to reddish brown were painstakingly derived from henna. Moreover, they also took the color from their own blood. These colors and stains were used to color nails and fingertips. In those days, more than just adorning themselves, nail colors were used as a signification of a social order. Women with high ranks use bright red colors for their nails, while women of lower ranks were just allowed to use pale shades.

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration

Nail Polish

Nail Decoration