Love rain #05

love rain
Having a pair of rain boots handy is important, especially for kids. While it may not yet be the rainy season, rains do come and go throughout the year hence; having a pair we can easily slip our kids into when it rains will save us the trouble of worrying how to keep them warm and dry every time they have to go outside in the rain.
love rain
The tricky part for some parents is to have them actually slip into the boots. Most kids these days are very conscious about what they wear and sometimes, wearing rain boots is not what they would consider cool.
love rain
However, there are now plenty of rain boots kids will love. They no longer only come in those dull, plain colors that we were used to back in the days. They come in wonderful designs that will definitely make them more attractive even to choosiest kids.
love rain
Before we buy a pair of rain boots kids will love, we have to check for certain features. First of which is of course their ability to repel water and rain. Sometimes, there are boots that are poorly-made that just a few minutes under the rain will already have our kids' feet soaking wet. Rubber and vinyl are two of the most common materials used for rain boots.
love rain
Soles are another consideration. Reinforced soles will not only ensure that the risk of our kids slipping is eliminated but also that the sole will not peel-off easily especially when the kids are playing rough in puddles.
love rain
If we want our kids to use their boots at least for more than a year, we should consider getting a pair that is a bit bigger than their actual size. This way, the can comfortably wear these even with thick socks on, plus they can still use them for about another year or two.
love rain
Last but not the least, is the design. In this area, our kids will definitely want to join us as we pick the right pair. We can help them choose the designs, specific for boys and girls, and since there are quite a few; we can even have fun comparing each design before finally picking one.
love rain
If we want to view rain boots kids can choose from, we can easily get online and browse through the internet. We will find that most of the boots sold in retail outlets or department stores are also being sold online.
love rain
And if we are looking for a convenient way to shop, especially since our kids will do the shopping with us, what could be more convenient than online shopping? We can easily see all the available rain boots right online, without having to dread temper tantrums in public.
love rain
Once we have picked out the design, color and the size; we can just have these delivered directly to our homes. In addition to all these conveniences, there are certain shops that also offer free shipping and delivery so this is definitely another plus factor to online shopping.
love rain
love rain
love rain
love rain
love rain