Love rain #06

love rain
Lately I've noticed a lot of tragedy in my life and the lives of those around me. And I've noticed that the only way I've been able to deal with it is by surrounding myself with those who care for me, and I've also noticed that my friends that take the longest to heal are those who spend the most time without their friends and family. As much as I try to be there for my friends, some would rather be alone and deal with it on their own, and it hurts me to see them hurt.
love rain
Think of rain as the pain you're feeling in the moment. Think of it as something you drive through, you walk through, that no matter how fast you run or drive, it still engulfs you and makes you wet, and cold. And maybe you feel alone in that rain. Maybe you don't think it will ever stop, at least not until you're soaked to the skin. The rain is coming down until it stops, and no sooner. You don't know when it will stop, neither do I. But go and get an umbrella, or look for shelter. It will stop. Trust me. Even Noah only had to go through 40 days of rain.
love rain
Think of the rainbow as the time after the rain stops. Think of the beauty of the rainbow, how the many colors couldn't be any more beautiful if an artist drew them for you. Think of the sun, peeking through the clouds. Think of how the world is a more beautiful place because of the rain, and because of the rainbow, and how nothing can grow without rain, and how we can't enjoy pleasure without pain. Realize the rain was a temporary, though necessary, part of your life.
love rain
Don't forget your umbrella and your shelter. Surround yourself with those who love you, who can give you shelter, and warmth, and help you dry off and make it through the storm.
love rain
love rain
love rain