Love story #05

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Do you like sad love stories? Do you enjoy curling up next to the warm fire with a heartbreaking story? Or perhaps you like watching those sad love movies on TV? Why do you like them? Why not romantic comedies instead? Are there benefits to watching the sad movies over comedies? We all know laughing is good for the soul. What about crying? Do you like to let it out every now and then
love story
What is your favorite sad love story or love movie? A classic is Romeo and Juliet of course. To take your own life because you can't be with your lover is one of the saddest things ever, and the stupidest. There has to be more than one true love out there for you. Otherwise, there would be many people stuck in a miserable life of doom, and that is not the case. There are many people who are happily remarried.
love story
Are there any benefits to watching depressing love movies? When you are heartbroken, it can feel nice to cry your eyes out while watching a heartrending love movie. It is good to have a good cry sometimes. And doing it while watching a sad movie can be the perfect time. Plus, those movies let you know that you are not alone in suffering through this terrible pain.
love story
There are some disadvantages of watching sad love movies. Watching some tear jerkers can actually cause you to eat more. Well, it does make sense if you think about it. Sometimes when people are sad or depressed they may eat more without even thinking about it. Although, it seems like most depressed people are too depressed to eat. Depression is a serious issue and you should consult a doctor for help. Or talk to a good trusted friend or a pastor. Whenever one talks about depression, a doctor should be mention.
love story
Anyway, now reading a sad love story may not cause you to eat more. Again perhaps, you should consult a doctor. Although, what doctors say change all the time. They are always saying something is bad for us and then it turns out to be good ten years later. Anyway, have you ever cried while reading a book? There are some great heartbreaking love stories that will make you cry. Reading the book is always better than watching the movie too. Books are so much more detailed. Find a book that will make you cry, it definitely feels amazing that you are actually crying from a book.
love story
Enjoy watching and reading about those sad love stories. Whether you are in a happy relationship or not, a sad love story can just be some fun entertainment. And if you are concerned about the extra eating, just try to control yourself. It is all about self-control. So go and have a good cry if you want. Remember, though that true love exists. And you may be living in a sad love book right now, but your next happy chapter is about to start.
love story
Sad love stories can definitely make you cry. Why do we like to hear about such sad things is kind of weird, but it is true. It comes down to love. We all want to find that love so powerful that it will last to the end of time. We all want to find true love. Love so strong that someone will give up their life for the other person, that is true love. If you want to learn more about finding true love and how to stop breaking up then visit the Sad Love Story site.
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love story