Love story #04

love story
From Romeo and Juliet, to Cleopatra and Mark Antony , Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind, to Sara and Abraham in the good book, love stories have reinforced our faith in love.
love story
In a world where marriage is being arranged even by individuals themselves, there is a strong belief, by man and woman, that true love is still real and obtainable.
love story
Being in touch with your spirit helps one to realize the need for the union between a man and a woman in order to fur fill one's' spiritual potential. (Those of us who aren't gay, cannot speak for the gay love, perhaps in time, we will understand more) .
love story
Reading love stories helps us not only to keep the faith in love, but to remember the possibilities of love. Perhaps we could even go so far as to say that since the greatest love of all is the love we have for one 's self - the love story helps to nourish the love for self which automatically increases the love for another.
love story
It is true, you can never love another more than you love yourself. Nourishment and inspection of your love for self will help us understand and grow our love for another
love story
Many women report that they experience a warm and enriching feeling when they see or read a love story. The love story brings about certain feelings that we don't want to loose. It's like a natural high and of course we cry when things go badly .
love story
The more conservative woman ask why would a person put themselves through such an emotional roller coaster when reading or viewing a love story? The answer is simple. The feelings make you know that you are alive.
love story
The anticipation of finishing up a good love story has helped a many of women over the "Saturday night, without a date" issue. Being involved with another's life story thought written words, helps us to cope with our own lives and is known to reduce stress.
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love story
love story
love story
love story
love story
love story