Love story #02

love story
Many people have a sad love story in their past. Bad things happen in life. Your story may be sad now, but it will get better. You are not alone in your sadness. Try to stop thinking about what happened. Don't beat yourself up over it. Try to control your emotions and see the light at the end of the tunnel. And believe that one day you will have a happy story to share.
love story
Focus on the good things that happen in life. Do not focus on that sad love story. Stop it from running over and over again in your mind. Don't wonder about all the "what if's." Forget about it. The sad love story is in the past. And the past is gone, the future is unknown, and the present is a gift. You can choose what to think about. Choose to think about good memories or good future memories that you will make in life. If you keep thinking about that one sad event, then you will get even more sad and perhaps depressed. Don't do that to yourself. Forgive yourself and others. Look for the good in life.
love story
Everybody has bad things happen to them. Even those really happy people that look like they have the perfect life, they too have sad love stories. No one is perfect and no one has a perfect life. Bad things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. And vice-versa with good things. Again think about the good things. Know that you are not going through these sad emotions alone. And soon these sad emotions will pass.
love story
Believe that true love really does exists. Yes, you might have just had your heart crushed into a million little pieces, but don't give up. You can find true love one day. Give yourself time to heal over your sad love story and then pick yourself up and move on. When you are ready to love again, don't be afraid to put yourself out there either. Love with your whole heart. Believe that one day you will have a happily ever after.
love story
This heart aching pain will not last forever. Have hope for a wonderful future ahead. Keep on loving yourself and others more. Think good thoughts always. Remember, that you are not alone. Believe that true love is real. Stay encouraged and positive that your sad love story will turn into a happy one.
love story
A sad love story happens to everyone at some time of another. When you are in love and someone breaks up with you, you think it is the end of the world. However, this one sad love story is only one of the many wonderful stories that will happen to you throughout your lifetime. There is someone out there waiting to meet you. Stay positive and hopeful that you will find them one day. Learn more about what to do when hear trenching breakups happen to you and how you can move on quickly at the Sad Love Story Blog.
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love story